Thursday, May 19, 2005

Chicken Pox or how your past catches up with you.Always.

Well,its confirmed now-I do have the chicken pox.Mild so far.Should reach its zenith in 3-4 days and then begin to subside.Sounds just like an eclipse.No wonder mothers consider it as some divine manifestation.Att imes like this I wonder;is it any surprise that there is so much devastation and ruin on in this world when the Gods are busy giving guys like me chicken pox divine.
What I am even more silently furious about is that there was an immunization shot available to prevent it.But I was not informed about it,and had I remembered I had never got CP so far and not told dear Meghna otherwise;she would have told me about the shot and made sure I took it.Moral of the story-Tell Megs everything J
Though in a mood alleviating aside,Priyanka told me that basically I still am a kid and so I get kiddy ailments. !!!!!!!
So its back to finger crossing and some intense blogging!


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