Mighty Wings
On the topic of interesting people in my life,I had the most pleasant early morning surprise yesterday while on my optimistically termed run.Came across this girl who used to be with me in tuitions a long time ago..well 11 years ago in fact.She was a year junior.We moved away but occassionaly did get to know of each other's doings due to a familiarity betweent he families.So,I had heard she was married and filed it away.And I finally saw her yesterday-still the same fair and radiant girl I remember,pushing a stroller with the sweetest kid I have ever seen on such mornings.We chatted a bit,exchanged notes.And her boy so sweetly shy.Nathan's his name.I am happily looking forward to the lad grow up.
Other interesting,wonderful people..hmm well..everyone in my life is like that.On the few rare occassions when I actually wonder whether I am doing the right thing,I immediately snap back and realise I definitely am;else I would not be having all these wonderful people in my life would I?
And Ego Warning time..I am feeling mightily kicked that A,one of the Kohort,actually met some girl at a college dance,got talking and like all good conversations they zipped around a few topics,ended up to something I am trivially good at and A actually described me to the girl.And the dolly is impressed!Woo Hoo in the best Blur incantation.
Have run into a few friends from school too recently.And hearing about others as well.So if someone has gone to one of the IIM's,another gets to peek into Boeing 737s every day at Air Sahara,New Delhi.Bhautik has become the proud father of Ved on July 4,while Bharathesh has recently been affianced.So has Sweety come to think of it and she got featured in Mid-Day's Hit List as she is an actress of some sort. :)And Anish has bought an Enfield and Vishal's parents want him to get married.Blimey,so do mine.And even good old Vipul, my Camera Support Team Leader asked me point blank when will I get married and he is expecting,nay hoping that I do so by the next year 2006!Whew and me thinking of going to Deutschland for the Game.
And Naresh ,good old Naresh,web designer par excellence,dropped in a amil today saying he is getting married this Sunday.I had a vague idea he was busy with something;not someone :-)Anyways,I called him up and did some GNLP (Good Natured Leg Pulling)And confirmed his age too for the statistical data collection.He is 28;so I am in good company.
My mood has improved considerably over the last few days.And I found some old photos of mine from 4-5 years ago.Gosh i was so fit back then.And every pic in the company of a different dolly.Also found a couple of greeting cards from that time,most of the stuff was wet and ruined.Salvaged a few pictures by trimming,cutting the edges!And so the mood is going on improving .Whining is good provided its under limits I guess.Even a jet engine whines,but then it takes flight and soars into the horizon.So that is what I am doing.
Kapchan Erwache!
Song of the Day-Lord Paul Oakenfold,Esq.'s Starry Eyed Surprise.
I take offence that you refer to girls and friends who are girls in general as dolly. Sounds very crude? But then thats me taking offence to everything that does not confine to my thinking. So ignore me (at your own peril I must add) I thought you were gonna be in US in 2006 whats this about Deutschland?
Glad you are back on the blog!
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